Children around the world are in greater need than ever.  Those needs include healthcare, nutritional supplementation, education, clothing, and loving care for those orphaned by disease, trauma and war.  Our goal is to ease their pain, providing life saving food and emergency supplies.

STORY:  A boy was walking along the beach throwing starfish back in the water on a day that thousands of them had washed up on the shore after a storm.  He walked, grabbed, and threw.  An older man walked up to him and said, "Boy, you can't save all of these starfish today."  The boy held up one and said, "I can save this one."

While we can't save them all, we are committed to bringing relief and help to every child within our reach.  Our programs benefit the most desperate little ones in nations such as Philippines, Swaziland, Mexico, Guatemala, Costa Rica, & Panama.  Our USA feeding programs help suffering families with children in Midwest American states of Arkansas, Missouri, Kansas, & Illinois.

 You can help by donating today.  You can also volunteer to serve in different capacities.



Monthly Support is Always Welcomed for Our Children and Various Projects!   Please Donate Now!



Children's Feeding Network is a proud affiliate of United Way San Francisco, Combined Federal Campaign, Children's Charities of America, and Independent Charities of America.   We are strictly audited by federal auditing standards, and our complete 990 and organization status can be found by doing a search for our organization under Network for Good (formerly and GuideStar.